simpleslides-co pricing table

How many slides do I get for $29?

Lifetime access without a subscription fee? For me this is a “Long time no see on the web”. I’ll give it try in this article: Buying Slide Templates and icons.

I don’t like to brag it about at the office, but I’m kind of a Powerpoint nerd. With various articles I may have already shown this on I even have a second version of my own Google-Slides Master for
So you might understand my curiosity when I found a slide platform that promises me lifetime access to thousands of slides for a one-time fee of 29$ …

internetzkidz Slidemaster 2020 revised has its own slide master (version 2)
slidePIN Success Screen
The app slide Pin is a standalone Powerpoint application

Use Case: Slides as a web asset substitutes

Since I’m currently building more websites than a couple of months ago and could easily add the title Photoshop Dyslexic to my LinkedIn profile, I’m currently searching the web frequently for cheap high-value visuals. The core problem for me is that I am reaching the limits of my profitability with many offers out there: The Nounproject, Font Awesome and various image databases are good sources for website assets and in my opinion also deserve compensation for their productions. However, I do not (yet) run an enterprise level agency business that would justify the monthly subscription fees. As a conssequence I recently got stuck in my search at Their promise: One time 29 $ and I can help myself to:

  • 10.000+ Powerpoint Templates
  • 2.000+ Icons
  • The offer seems to include Google Slides, which is my favorite presentation suite
simpleslides-co pricing table

That’s where it gets interesting. I guess I can spare 29$ or 24,50€ for my private web projects.

What did I built? Smart slides – as per usual!

I must admit I was a bit stuck when I wanted to build presentations on-the-spot. But in the end, I was able to scribble at least a few proposition slides for my new project, which I have already teased Matomo article.

beta-net solutions slide simpleslides
beta-net proposition slide simpleslides

It feels even more artificial when I try to create an slide based on a template. But I found it an interesting experience to pick out a suitable one.

internetzkidz proposition slide simpleslides

One thing I was actually able to release into production during this experiment: The new icons for the system components. So I was able to solve a problem from my leisure to-do list for 29$:

beta net icons section

Short Review: Soooo many slides, yet sometimes confusing

The experience on simpleslides was short before writing this article, but of course I wouldn’t be the author of this blog if I didn’t have something to complain about. But let’s start with the positive aspects. My main focus here is on the sheer quantity of what I received for this one-time payment:

  • So so many Powerpoint files
  • Some of the files contained 50+ individual slides, most gave me at least 30

In fact, I got to download so many files that I only clicked into those whose names I found somehow appealing. biz-pro, Minimal or Marketing immediately caught my attention.

All slides were also well adaptable and the shapes were not “blocked”. This means Icons and Co. did not consist of 5 different layers and single shapes that had both border and background properties (which I would have to overwrite manually if I wanted to make some color changes).

Simple Slides Number of Slides
Simple Slides Number of Files

The negative remarks on my part are: The navigation of the portal is really confusing at first (and afterwards). The members area has the appearance of a collaboration tool, but also of a social network at the same time. I was not able to search for slides and templates! Instead, I was offered the whole library to download at once. But I only got to this offer after I started my journey in some kind of tutorial journey.

simpleslidesco tutorial
simpleslides download all

The fact that the files are made available via the Filesharing Service Box also makes the whole thing appear a bit sketchy.

simpleslides Box Download

Outtakes: Who has never seen these slides?

Because I found many stereotypical slides (which I was expecting) in the library, here is my outtake reel:

3 | Marketing always thinks “funnel”

I was personally offended when I saw that the marketing presentation was filled almost exclusively with funnels. But then I realized: That’s correct. Marketing presentations are 80% funnel visuals.

2 | We are always “on target”

I do not know how often I have seen the dartboard slide in the last 10 years. Executives and decision makers must see them in their dreams …

simpleslides target slides

1 | Graphs as forms

100 of 100 consultants would not use this template. Because: lazy …

simpleslides graph as form slide

By the way: While browsing through the templates I saw that my Powerpoint design tips for Noobs were not bad at all. Many principles can be found in these slides as well.

Christoph Kleine
Christoph Kleine

... is Managing Director at THE BIG C Agency & founder of Besides Online Marketing he works on issues of Usability, Web-Analytics, Marketing-Controlling and Business Development. Xing, LinkedIn.

Articles: 464

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