I was quite amazed last week when I saw porn ads on youtube for the first time. You are used to that from facebook, but youtube … Let’s take a look!
As a youtube premium user you are sometimes a bit behind when it comes to new ads in the form of pre- or mid-rolls. But I was quite surprised when I found a discovery ad in my feed on my second YouTube account with the note:
Asian will fi****!
– Youtube Ad
welcomed me. In fact the ad advertised the act. I was so discreet to insert the asterisks because internetzkidz.de is a serious blogging site.
How does that work? I better have a look.
HowTo: Put Porno Ads on youtube
We can already see the first interesting hint in the Call-To-Action “Install”. It seems to be an app advertisement from the Google Play Store. The App is called “GabbyHelp” in the title here. Let’s see if it is still there.
Indeed. The app is still listed in the Google Play Store. The secret seems to be that the app is listed as a dating app. So the trick seems to be the categorization. But then a look at the rating is both amusing and revealing:
Bad app where you can’t really date anybody, I’ve met two people only in 3 days of heavy use and both were middle aged men… I can’t recommend this
Da ni Google Play Review 27.02.2020
The second rating draws our attention to another problem:
Usk 12???!!!!!!
Elected G2G Google Play Review 05.03.2020
This app, in which Asian women want to do various things, is available for download and use from the age of 12. World class!
Which filters have failed here?
In this scenario several filters failed. Let’s start with the Google Advertising Policies. Theoretically this ad should not have been allowed to pass through the Google Ads Interface. Here the creators managed to build the text into the image in such a way that it is not recognized by OCR mechanisms and certainly does not appear in the ad text. Respect!
But let me put it this way: My ads have been rejected for much less.
Then we have the listing of the app in the Google Play Store. I know that Tinder and Co. have their right to exist. But I don’t think that apps that advertise like this are really worth offering. The 3 Top Reviews all have only one star – I can imagine that there should be a mechanism for this.
And then there is the age limit. This should definitely not be 12 years! Even if it would be a serious listing, children should not be able to download these dating apps. I can imagine that the app might have been introduced as a messenger app in the Play Store and then later reclassified as a dating app. Still: dubious.