Relax and try to remember your password

Relax and remember your password!

This is quite the find from the user experience department: The password recovery flow of student’s coding project!

We have all been there: Starring at the login screen. You already entered the password incorrectly five times and the server is showing you the third impossible Re-Captcha in a row. Your last resort: The password-recovery-link! Usually it leads to e-mail-address form field and afterwards you will be instructed on how to set a new password via e-mail. The frontend-dev slovanky pursues a different user journey in his greenote-app project.

Relax and try to remember your password.


Login greenote-app heroku

Login-Screen after you clicked “Forgot Password?” Link

Password Recovery Fun

Also relax: This is not really live-live!

Just to sort out the clickbait. This is not really a commercial application, but a demo project build by frontend developer learning new backend skills. Therefore the app can only be found on a heroku subdomain: In his github profile slovanky says he built a lot of frontend projects in the past and is now building his first backend projects as well. Given the proposed user flow I would assume he is already on the senior developer fast-track.

via @linuxtechtips (instagram)

Christoph Kleine
Christoph Kleine

... is Managing Director at THE BIG C Agency & founder of Besides Online Marketing he works on issues of Usability, Web-Analytics, Marketing-Controlling and Business Development. Xing, LinkedIn.

Articles: 465

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